
A Life Changing Experience

Pathways to Self Mastery, a meditation programme taught by the College of Esoteric Education, has been for me, a profoundly personal journey of self discovery, self growth, spiritual development and knowledge. It has enabled me to truly look within. A life changing experience.

L.F. Brisbane

I thoroughly recommend this College!

I have now been part of the College of Esoteric Education for a period of seven years. In that time I have obtained a greater understanding of myself and my place in this vast universe. At times it has not been easy and the challenges many, but from this, my personal development and growth has been enormous. If you are on a path of personal growth and spiritual development, then you may well find what you are searching for. I would thoroughly recommend this College to anyone who is a seeker of truth.

Paul F. Brisbane

Highly recommend it!

I have been associated with Lyn Asmar and the College of Esoteric Education for many years now doing the one on one Meditation which has been, and still is a fantastic journey of self discovery. In addition I have done all of the courses which have been offered since I first joined the College including many different healing modalities such as Reiki and Seichem and other subjects which are less well known but equally beneficial in their application. The Meditation is great, the courses are informative, thought provoking and a whole lot of fun and I have enjoyed every aspect of my involvement with the College and Lyn herself. It really is an “Esoteric Education” and I would highly recommend it.

Vernon Flood, Brisbane

Whisperings from the Command

How is something caused into existence where it did not exist before? The subject of creation has proven to be greatly vulnerable to distortion. The teaching of this College shows clearly the commanded emergence of energy into matter and its required evolvement into form, ultimately involving consciousness, awareness, intellect and understanding. It is shown clearly how this planet came into existence and the reason for its functioning. The requirement to project a physical manifestation causes a Logos to gather together energy or primal matter, and in this gathering together is inherent the required degree of intelligence needed to carry out the projection. The gathering together causes a depressed intensity in the surrounding areas in the universal sense. This then gives rise to an automatic projection: this projection from the planetary Logos is part of the planetary trinity principle.

The pattern follows; that force, which emanates from that which is the Logos, centres itself and then attracts primal energy, and so, becomes a force centre with the ability to project of itself. The principle applies then to the next projection, and the next projection and also, to the next projection. As the projections go forward, or project outwardly, each projection is less in intensity. In other words, that which is the projecting force may not project something that is greater than itself. If you understand that, then, of course, you will understand that it must diminish, diminish, diminish as each projection goes forward.

Remember the command which, as the Logos formed and became a planet, was, “Go thou forth and proliferate – you will project, you will proliferate.”

So, from the Logos is a spawning; a projection, then a series of projections. Remember that the solar body, (the planets forming the solar body in all its complexity – and it is not simple) is a oneness. Therefore that which ultimately becomes humankind is only one projection of many, many, many from the Logos. It spawns, and you must remember that each spawning has its direct application to the purpose of its being spawned. In other words, the word function enters very sharply into this matter, and each projection has a function. This Logos as an energy projection, in itself, influences all other parts, including its parental Source, the Logos of this overall solar system.

Among these many spawnings from the Logos is one which is required to become material – it projects from the Logos; that projection or child then begins to project, and energy then begins to step down and become matter. There was no planet Earth with an incoming Logos; there was pure space. This planet Earth is the Logos. Therefore, many eons back, in what you term time, came the force centre and it spawned, allegorically, a child amongst others, and that child began to project and step the energy down until it was dense enough to manifest as matter. So, then you had the beginning of a physically observable planet Earth.

Humankind is, of course, the ultimate physical projection from the planetary Logos. The ultimate requirement has been fulfilled that was embodied in the force that was and is the command – “Go thou forth and proliferate.”

Further information on such interesting subjects is only available through the Sirian Mystery School, a division of the College of Esoteric Education. Because universal concepts are difficult to understand, much of the teaching is explained through analogy and allegory.




Supernatural Men and Women

While most of the world is in upheaval, there are a few who looking forward to the dawn of the new cycle. The Ancient Ones have said peace would reign throughout the world and economic conditions will improve with a fresh start. Metaphysicians who have been watching the trend of circumstances in the world and who know the periods of human evolution are looking forward to the dawn of this new cycle when the coming supernatural men and women will pass from childhood to adulthood. Some of them are on the planet now.

The day of their arrival is close at hand, and already these young, supernatural people in many parts of the world are beginning to express their new power and unique understanding and so can assist the ailing humanity. No longer will greedy governments be tolerated, or unfair advantages be given to the elect. The young ones have an agenda for the prosperity of this beautiful planet and are making preparations for a united usurping of the dominating negative forces of life.

The supernatural beings of the near future will be those who have leadership already within their grasp. They will control not only their own destinies through meditation, but will assist others to do the same. There will be no tyrannical autocracy connected with this worldwide phenomena, and there will be no unreasonable display of superiority. People will find rather, a mighty and powerful, though sympathetic and peaceful, direction and control of the world activities that are now crippling our economy.

The supernatural men and women of each cycle and age have been the result of the progress of civilization as well as the development of the inner selves of those who wish to serve humanity outwardly. In each cycle of the world’s history, these supernatural beings have been qualified to meet the conditions that they were to find and to govern the world as it required governing. These beings appear at the end of every cycle or sub-cycle of humanity because it is necessary to seed the incoming cycle with the fresh ideas it needs to carry forward.

In the earlier cycles of human progress the super-qualities of these specially selected men and women related to the purely intellectual abilities of the objective faculties of humanity. The men and women of those periods were those who could see, hear, or sense better the objective impressions registered upon their consciousness and interpret them regarding adaptability relative to our planet. These beings were inspired by their Higher Selves, angelic beings, Ascended Masters or extra-planetary beings.

Then came the cycle of supernatural individuals who turned their vision inwardly rather than outwardly and saw the weaknesses of the inner self and the need for cultural improvement, and adaptability. These beings often worked tirelessly and behind the scenes. Then followed the development of man’s egoism. As it often happens, this resulted in self-aggrandizement and the desire to surround oneself with every cultural luxury and comfort. People couldn’t help comparing themselves to others or were worried about what the neighbours would think. This led to a lot of unkindness developing in humanity.

The next cycle brought the desire for conquest as a natural result of man’s desire to make his personal name and fame paramount above everything else.

However, in this phase of evolution new lands were discovered, new cities built, new empires established, and this was in accordance with the plan for humanity though the people knew it not.

We have just finished a major sub-cycle where a human’s vision has been turned toward intellectual attainment and technological and scientific knowledge so that he might take from others that which they possessed but didn’t know how to protect. Certain elements of humanity thereby monopolized and controlled solely through objective intellectual power the things that belonged to humanity at large.

The inevitable result of such a cycle was that of self-destruction, since the power of greed that entered into the plans of those who were leaders in this last sub-cycle, destroyed itself and destroyed those who were instruments of its activities. The plan for humanity saw that in all of the greedy things that man accomplished during the past cycle there should be a residue of results that will benefit everyone when properly directed and controlled by the new period of super beings to follow.

And now we are on the threshold of this new cycle when these new supernatural beings are about ready to come into their own, and reconstruct the toppling, quivering structures, and creations of the hordes of greed of the past sub-cycle. The Logos has seen that during the past one hundred years or more the foundation should be laid for the great transfer of human control and human direction. Men and women in all lands and all sections of every state and nation have been gradually prepared and carefully inspired during the past fifty or more years for the new role and new position they or their children will occupy within the next few years.

The unlimited power of wealth and control of business and economic conditions will be taken from the hands of the greedy and selfish and transferred to the hands of those who are altruistic and sympathetic.

The new cycle of beings now reaching maturity have had their vision turned from the narrow, personal viewpoint, to the broad, universal horizon of international humanity. Their education and training have been along the lines of universal comprehension and philosophical understanding with the sympathetic appreciation of the needs of all men, women, and children, and with a desire to see mercy and justice made manifest in every walk of life.

Once again we will see the rise of the supernatural man and woman of the new cycle. The bigotry of religions, the tyranny of nationalism, the selfishness of economic standards have been supplanted by a broader viewpoint and a newer and better attunement with human existence.





The Sword, Dove, Eagle, Egg, Maze

In the symbol of the sword we see yet again, a principle of this planet embodied. It is a principle that was required of this planet and throughout this planet, you have, if we use time, quite rapid proliferation and withdrawal. That sword is indicative of the principle that was imposed upon this Logos—you call it killing. You observe what you term death on every hand over the planet—it matters little whether it be a tiny insect or whether it be a great organism—death—and that sword postulates that principle of the planet.

It is a symbol of the Logos; it is a symbol of that which was imposed upon this Planetary Logos. It also embodies that figure four, and we repeat, it is a symbol of the forces that were imposed upon and are manifesting through this Planetary Logos. We mention here that it is not to be regarded as humankind regard death. It is a beautiful symbol—it is a beautiful imposition of that which was required upon this Logos.

The dove has been used as a symbol from early times. What you are seeing is a manifestation of the various forces that emanate from and through this Logos, symbolized, and in each case, humankind has treasured these symbols and used them in various ways, and they appear in various forms of meditation because they are basic to this planet. The dove is a symbol of enlightenment—not peace as humankind often thinks—it is a symbol of enlightenment and perhaps accomplishment, the two words are interwoven.

The eagle sees the travelling back. It is associated with the withdrawal force, and of course, it is a Logoic representation, but it is associated with the withdrawal force, and it again has occupied a niche in humankind’s thinking from prehistory.

The egg is of course somewhat self-evident in that there is not one life organism on this planet, which does not begin its history, its cycling as an egg. Again we look at an inherent planetary principle, and that egg purely symbolizes that which is the operation of this planet in its proliferation.

We will except the maze from that which we mentioned. It is not inherent in the planet. It is the outcome of mankind’s desire to get back, mankind’s desire to return, as we mentioned earlier and his inability to find the way back. It is not plain, it is not straight, it is not open, and he tries; he tries this, he tries that; and so the maze symbolizes the attempt of mankind to find a pathway that he blindly is aware, exists.



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