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The Secret Lies in Meditation

In the far, distant past, as energy began to project forward into a slightly lesser frequency, there were caused into existence multiple intelligences that were responsible for bringing the human form into physical existence; the divine issue came forth. Over time, these intelligences became known as the parents of humanity, or simply as “Energy Parents.” Other organizations and religions have called them the Higher Selves or souls of humanity.

These parental intelligences have the ability to draw their human children into communion or communication through the process of meditation. It is only through this communion that the fulfillment of the spiritual needs that humanity is so desperately seeking today is accomplished. Many of the great Ones have constantly told us that: “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” However, many keep looking outside of the self, and thus never find what they are searching for. The secret lies in meditation or the path within. The ability to commune with their Source was a natural function of primitive peoples and it was only as intellect developed and a more outward focus was established that the ability to directly communicate was lost. The separateness felt by many people today is causing disharmony on the Earth plane. This separateness between humanity and its Source has reached a pinnacle, and many are now seeking the return path back to the Source, not realizing that the secret lies in meditation.

Once the ability is regained through some process of meditation, life begins to take on new meaning, awareness, and fulfillment. The way back to the Source or the Logos is normally taught through the deeper teachings of meditation, or through a Mystery School that teaches the ability to reconnect with that lost communion. Any deep meditative process offers a profound depth and richness as inner and outer parts are reunited.

In these times of turbulence and stress, many are seeking a deeper and more definitive answer to life’s meaning. All seekers come from many different walks of life and from diverse backgrounds and occupations. Those who are ready for the deeper mysteries know they can no longer show a blind, unquestioning, unthinking acceptance of life as it is working out on the planet at this time.

If you are seeking the answer to life’s mysteries, realize it is the Inner or the Higher Self that is propelling you towards life’s fullness; there is so much more to experience than the normal material life. It is this self that will divulge the mystery of the path, because the mystery of the Inner Self is the path itself. The ancients gave the injunction: “Man know thyself and then you will know the secrets of the universe.” How do you get to know the self? “Meditation provides the techniques for accomplishing this inward focus and experience. The secret lies in meditation.

Meditation should be practical and demonstrable in everyday living by allowing you to achieve a peaceful outlook in the face of adversity as well as lifting the vibrations of the physical body, cell by cell, molecule by molecule, thoughtform by thoughtform into the higher ascension body of light. More free articles are available from here.



The Mystical Side of Living

Human existence may be seen as a state of separateness in energy between that which is projected forward onto the Earth plane as a tiny babe, and that which is the projecting source. For the immortal spirit to take a human form, it needs the intervention of the soul. If one has an understanding of how energy steps itself down according to the principle of subharmonics, then it becomes easy to comprehend spirit stepping the frequency down until it reaches physical manifestation. Energy simply IS, and the timeless wisdom contained within it, always was and always will be. This mighty Presence of enormous intelligence will structure concepts that are easily understood by those who seek them out, and lead them to the mystical side of living. Have you experienced its whisperings within your being? Does a mysterious intelligence seem to well up from deep inside you at times? You will learn that your consciousness has no limits if you let it rise above those circumstances that seem to weigh you down. Inspiration and intuition are not haphazard events but come into play when you draw, at will upon this mighty Presence. Silent and formless, it does not impose its will on you but awaits contact with your mind to enable you to bring your true potential into outer reality.

This is a phenomenon natural to all human beings who attune with its energy. However, it constantly sends out a call to those who are searching for the deeper meaning of life. Have you heard its call? There are subtle faculties slumbering just beyond the surface of your conscious mind awaiting your positive command. They respond to natural law and benefit all who learn to use them.  How to use these latent abilities in your daily life will be explained in further posts, also how to overcome the “invisible forces” that attempt to sabotage your efforts. You will discover how to live a successful spiritual life, full of peace, harmony, relaxation, successful personal relationships and success in your chosen field of business. “Pathways to Self Mastery” is one such teaching giving an understanding of the Ancient Wisdom in a more modern format. It is unembellished by the conditioned terminology of other teachings but embraces an understanding of them all, leading one to the mystical side of living.llumined individuals throughout history seemed to be able to tap into a secret esoteric philosophy that allowed them a different way of living, the mystical side of living. Their lives appeared to be both personally gratifying and inspiring to others. Through their writing and deeds, they have encouraged others to search for this elusive power; some have found it but many have not. What techniques did they possess that can be effectively applied in our world today? Where does one find information such as this? Will this activity alter the lives that most are presently living? These are some of the questions that have teased the minds of humankind down through the ages.


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