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Overcoming Blockages with Relaxation and Guided Imagery

If you are experiencing blockages of any kind, the easiest way to overcome them is through a process of relaxation or through guided imagery. The cause of the majority of ailments that beset humankind lies in an energy circumstance of which the emotional mental condition is but a result. This is because all of our health problems are related to a separation from our Higher Self, and some form of stress or stressful situation usually causes this separation. In turn, this separation causes blockages in the energy flow and sets up negative imprints and patterns that show themselves through our behaviour and interaction with others. If we are not able to heal ourselves at the emotional and mental level, eventually disease will prevail in the body. Relaxation Therapy works very intuitively and assists in bringing the four-fold body system back into balance.

Relaxation Therapy can help with very definite techniques for relaxing the physical body rapidly. One form of relaxation that can be accomplished very easily by anyone is guided imagery. Guided imagery can also be used to reduce stress. By imagery I mean not only pictorial imagery, but auditory, olfactory, tactile and kinaesthetic images as well. Don’t get hung up on the fact that you don’t “see” well. We all know how certain smells can provoke certain images. Anyone can overcome a resistance to imagery by informing the right brain that it’s okay to use your imagination like you did when you were a child, like when you imagined the dot on the wall was a big hairy spider. If the inner eye part of you is relatively unknown to you, do not be deterred. There is a very good chance, that with the practice of certain guided imagery, it will rapidly emerge. Guided imagery can also be used very successfully as a relaxation technique. Relaxation has healing benefits and can easily be learned through the guided imagery technique.

For those who are interested in exploring Inner Child work, the nature of guided imagery is extremely beneficial. We do not grow out of childhood; we grow up around it. Therefore a part of us is, and ever shall be, the little child that we were; and even in this category, there are a number of variations associated with the Inner Child that need exploration and explanation; and if we are willing to observe ourselves, we can see this Inner Child in action many times a day. When you have a disagreement with someone, it is usually your 5 or 6 year old Inner Child that is doing the disagreeing, not the adult you.

The Inner Child then, is a very real verifiable and valuable part of us. It is involved more with the feeling side, than the thinking side, because it originated during that period of development when we were capable of feeling more than thinking. It is the subconscious storehouse of our most joyful moments and sometimes our most unbearable anguish or pain.

Guided Imagery can assist in releasing and healing inner hurt and pain. It involves an inner journey that takes you through experiences from the physical plane which involves looking at acceptance of the current personality and then the changes that need to be accomplished and the states of consciousness that need to be changed in order to allow a descension of higher energies. The journey progresses and the next steps relate to the release of impediments at the emotional/mental level and the connection with the sub-personality or sub-personalities.

Further steps involve meeting and activating your masculine and feminine sides, and activating the pranic tube. The final steps involve preparation for meeting the deeper aspects of the inner you, commonly termed the Higher Self, the Inner Self, the Master Within, the Inner Teacher or the Energy Parent, and the responsibility that entails.

We live in a time when stress is running rampant on our planet. No one escapes, but it just depends on how you handle it as to whether it will affect you adversely or not. Most people who meditate and use a specific guided imagery technique learn to handle their stress adequately, but sometimes extra support is needed at the deeper levels. This is when meditation can be of tremendous benefit. It helps to clear aspects from all levels of the four-fold body structure, and bring back balance and harmony to daily living. So you can overcome blockages with relaxation and guided imagery to assist the body back into balance mentally, emotionally and physically.

An easy way to experience guided imagery is through fairy tales. You simply pick a favourite fairy tale such as Beauty and the Beast, Jack and the Beanstalk, Snow White, and so on. Read through the fairy tale, and then imagine you are the main character in the tale, and go ahead and let your imagination take you on a guided imagery quest. You may be surprised at what will be revealed to you, and how your tension and stress melt away.






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