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Power of the Tarot

Psychic powers are common to all people, but some have not used their ability in the field of Metaphysics, so they consider that they don’t have them; everyone has them to some degree or another. Some brain researchers explain that the primitive brain is more intuitive and that hunches and psychic insight are activities of this more primitive part of the brain.

The energies come up through the medulla, through the cerebellum lobes, to and through the pineal in their twinned trinities (and note these trinities are not of opposing polarities). The energies that come through the trinities shine through their various avenues and that which is the first trinity channels initially into mainly the left hemisphere, then across to the pituitary gland.

Those energies cause an imprint on the energy already flowing through that left hemisphere. This imprint we call thought. So, we have the left hand side of the brain dealing with abstract thinking, music, art, and literature; the imprint called thought and the ability to think clearly. This, in turn, channels to the right hemisphere where it is necessary.

So, rather than a left brain, right brain phenomena, it could perhaps be described as an inner brain, outer brain phenomena. If we go along with this theory, traumatic situations may allow the thought processes to occur at a more primal level, so that decisions are made instinctively or intuitively. So we have an influence coming from the subconscious mind, which by its definition, resides below the threshold of consciousness.

Correct training can help this information come to the conscious mind at will. Practice with the symbolism of the Tarot can raise the level of awareness and hone the intuitive faculty. Symbols are the language of the subconscious mind and the Tarot, being rich in Metaphysical symbology will speak directly to your subconscious mind and allow intuitive insights. When you experience the symbolic nature of the Tarot, the experience is brought directly from your subconscious mind into consciousness awareness.

To learn how to do this: 1. Go into a deep state of relaxation 2. Connect with your higher self 3. Place your hand over the appropriate tarot card 4. Let the impressions come into your conscious mind 5. When the images or impressions have finished, you should have a fuller awareness about the problem you were trying to solve.

There are many sets of Oracle Cards and particularly Angel Cards now readily available. While these cards do not allow the intuitive process to flow as fully as the Tarot Cards, they may be beneficial for someone just starting out as they have the meaning of the card printed underneath the illustration. Using oracle cards is a great introduction to working on your spiritual path. Make sure you like the deck you choose as this enables you to feel more connected with the deck and connect better with your own guidance. The Tarot is part of the Ancient Wisdom given in modern guise to show the blessings and pitfalls along the Pathway back to the Source of Creative Energy, or if you prefer, the Godhead.



The History of Tarot

An Egyptian High Priest, Hermes Trismegistos, probably one of the greatest initiates that walked the earth before Christ, left for humanity the Book of Wisdom entitled “Thoth” or the Emerald Tablet of Hermes, containing some of the highest wisdom that has ever been left on our planet. His Hermestablet or Tabula Smaragdina, from which comes the saying, “That which is above is also that which is below,” serves to prove the macrocosmic and microcosmic laws of analogy. These teachings are termed Hermetic Science by those who have studied them and have been initiated into them. Originally, this Book of Wisdom was composed of 78 slabs which later become known as the 78 Tarot cards we have today because of the genius of one of the Masters of wisdom who had the ability to inspire his earthly disciple.  The meaning behind these Tarot cards became corrupted over time and although they were used in card games, what better way of keeping the ancient wisdom before the public eye? Much has been said about the history of Tarot, but this information comes straight from the Master R.

During the early Christian period the Tarot cards fell into disfavour with the church because they contained many so-called pagan symbols and Tarot reading was forbidden to Christians. Universal truths always survive and so too, the cards managed to survive in the East and were reintroduced into Europe during the Crusades. In the fourteenth century when the Tarot first made its appearance in Europe, Christianity reigned supreme, and the earliest references to the cards in Europe are prohibitions against their use by the church, which body later referred to them collectively as the Devil’s Picture Book. Paganism still lurked in many fairly obvious forms and resulted in extreme ecclesiastical persecution of heretics. The church pursued its own ends with a zeal combined with both passionate devotion and political opportunism. To be found in possession of a pack of Tarot cards was, according to them, proof of Witchcraft, and lead to death by burning at the stake. Rather strange activity for an organization whose Master gave as his most powerful commandment, “Love one another.”

How then did the Tarot survive in the face of the considerable effort made on the part of Christianity to stamp it out? Universal truths always survive and resurface at the appropriate time; and one way to discern whether a religion contains universal truths, is by the amount of time it is able to persist through the annals of time. What we commonly term Gnosticism, which is one of the collective terms for paganism and other esoteric information was preserved within the fold of the church itself and studied under a mask of learning consonant with ecclesiastic respectability.

The esoteric principle behind the deck of Tarot cards may owe a lot to the ascetic measures placed upon the monks during the medieval period. Forced to rely on memory, the medieval monk would have retained the pictures in the mind by the process of visualization and association, a practice that we are once more utilizing today. The idea of an adventurous and perilous journey through unknown territory was also typical of medieval literature. To travel in the middle ages was as hazardous and uncertain as travelling the paths of inner knowledge. Also, throughout the middle ages there existed various metaphysical orders and secret societies that kept the knowledge of the Tarot intact but hidden and preserved for future generations.

The Major Arcana shares a lot of symbolism with the metaphysical teachings associated with Buddhism, whose founder, Gautama, is thought to have been born some 500 years or so before Christ. The Fool might well be said to represent the wandering monk himself. The Emperor and Empress, Buddha’s parents; the chariot, the triumphal vehicle of Vishnu; the Pope, the Hermit, the Hanged Man and Death, the Man of Religion, the Ancient One, the Cripple and Corpse are said to have been encountered by Buddha prior to his enlightenment; The Lovers, the raising of the Kundalini through sacred sex; the Wheel of Fortune, obviously the Wheel of Rebirth and Karma, and so on, were of course well known. Undoubtedly the Tarot represents the same concepts, but simply filtered through the Western Mystery tradition.

The most popular deck of the modern era is undoubtedly the Rider-Waite Deck, designed by A.E. Waite, who was a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Two other decks were designed by members of that fraternity, The Golden Dawn Tarot, designed by MacGregor Mathers and the Thoth Tarot designed by Aleister Crowley. These are not as well known as the Rider-Waite Deck and were probably designed for private use by the members of the Golden Dawn. The Golden Dawn placed greater emphasis on the Tarot as a pathway to higher knowledge than any other known group.

The Tarot represents an allegorical journey, each card being the experience of universal archetypal energy, rather like the episodes in Dante’s “Divine Comedy.” The idea of an adventurous and perilous quest through unknown territory has also been handed down through the legends of Merlin and King Arthur. These are all symbolical of inner journeys to find the Holy Grail.

The ancient wisdom as revealed in the Modern Tarot Deck remains basically hidden even today, but we have been given enough clues to be able to open the doorways and enter into the ancient mysteries. The Journey through the Tarot is showing the Return Path to the Source or God showing the blessings and pitfalls along the way.



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