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Handmade Spell Boxes

The spell boxes pictured here is an example of the unique type of spell box that can be created. Each one is different, and one of a kind. You will only find this particular type of spell box here at the College. They are composed of and overseen by a special elemental. A figurine representing the elemental sits atop the box, and an amulet allowing you to connect with the elemental is also supplied as a piece of jewellery that you can take with you when apart from the radiations of the box.

The boxes can also be created and enspelled without including the elemental. The box is filled with special secret and sacred ingredients as well as the spell itself; then the whole item is energetically charged to produce the radiations that will protect the area in which it is located.

Most of the boxes made carry a spell of protection, but if a special spell is required for another quality, that can be arranged. The spell boxes take considerable time to make and are usually made on request. They are only available in Australia.



General Spell Boxes

It is very interesting to collect an old box and make it into a spell box. These old boxes can often be picked up in antique shops and may already be charged as a spell box. The one illustrated has been charged to keep items used specifically in spell working. For example, you might have boxes for candles, gemstones, and crystals, parchment, pencils and pens, others for gold and silver flakes, and others for spelled and enchanted jewellery. Of course, all of these things are not absolutely necessary, but are used as supports to assist in creating a sacred atmosphere, and to assist in creating an energetic space in which to perform the spell casting. You can always make your own spell box, and charge it for whatever is needed. I normally make hand made spell boxes for protection, but they can be charged  for many different purposes, such as friendship, to attract business, beauty, purification, success, communication. If you think about it, spells are what many would call affirmations in today’s world.But you need to be able to charge the box as well as saying the spell to make it an effective tool. Obviously, this takes some form of magical training in the art of spell casting, and also in the sart of channelling energy to achieve the outmanifesting of the spell. Spell boxes have a charm all of their own and are often regarded as mysterious tools by those who have no interest in the sacred art of spell casting.



Spirit Dolls

Spirit, enchanted or haunted dolls are used as a portal for human entities, djinn, djinnya, khodam, unicorn, pegasus, gnomes, elves, and other paranormal entities. These entities are learning the same as humans are on this Earth, and usually come to impart or share knowledge. They are not there to randomly grant wishes, although some of the higher Master Guides or other entities may do so occasionally. Remember that everything has a price, and whatever has been given to you will have to be repaid in kind at some time. Many people are apt to forget this in their haste to acquire this or that.

I have been fortunate insofar as over the last forty years or so I have been able to investigate the paranormal and have written many books on it. During this time, I have acquired many haunted or enchanted items that other no longer wish to keep. Some of these items and dolls have taught me much about the afterlife—that it exists is a fact. I know this by the number of spirits that appear in the house. We are also a spirit; the difference is—that for a short time on the earth plane, we are clothed by a body of flesh.

Most of the spirits that attach to dolls or other items, such as a piece of jewellery, is because they want to share knowledge, or sometimes the interest is in learning about the different branch of metaphysics in which I am involved. Some of them simply wish to remain close to the physical plane and need to be shown how to return to the appropriate realm. But most are able to move back and forth between realms. The ones who wish to pass on knowledge are white light, highly advanced beings, and were part of the living beings on Earth.

The Lord Jehovah was not only the creator of the past, but He is also the creator of the present, and He will be the creator of the future. Humans are composed of those four elements plus the subtle fifth, the Akasha Principle. However, the Djinn were formed from smoke and fire by the power above. These spirits were given to assist, to change, and to enhance our lives, as we see by the life of King Solomon.

If we go way back into the very distant past, you will find that the different tribes of Djinn had a lot of interaction with mortal human beings. At that time, the Djinn were known to talk with humans, and to teach them as students. Like many of the other so-called mythical creatures, such as Fairies, Unicorns, and Dragons, the Djinn are also becoming quite close to humanity once more, and the Djinn who still exist are very rare, and a connection to them is highly sought after. Mortals do indeed consider themselves very lucky if they have a connection to one of the Djinn. You may be unaware that Haunted dolls have been recorded throughout our history and continue even today. There are even haunted dolls that are in museums. There are many famous people who own huge displays of haunted dolls, which are in their own museum collection. One known collector is an author by the name of Anne Rice.

Why spirits choose dolls, we may never know. But it seems that dolls attract spirits. Maybe because of the human type looks, maybe because when we own them, they are loved and admired. One may never know, but it’s real and it happens. And what these vessels are seeking is someone who believes in them, someone with whom they can share their knowledge, or also learn from the person they attract to their vessel. The spirit may ask to be passed on to a new family, or a person, that may need their help or guidance.

It is safe to say that many have had ghostly encounters with a spirit or haunted dolls. From all over the world, people have these encounters that prove to us, we are not the only ones here. If you are lucky enough to have such an experience, it may change your outlook on life forever. The veils between the dimensions are thinning, so that in the future, it will be common to communicate with deceased loved ones and other beings.

If you are attracted to owning a spirit doll, please understand that your experiences will be different than mine. Each experience takes it own forms and actions, because each one of us is at a different level of development, so please handle your enchanted items with love and with care and always respect them, they are a living entity just like you.

By doing this, your enchanted item may do the following:
Show to you, full bodied apparitions, let you hear their disembodied voices, show you their spirit orbs, show flashes of light, show you swirls of smoke or fire, mists, you may hear knocking, you may hear footsteps, see shapes, you may have electrical disturbance and so on. If you walk through one, you will feel it like cold tingles that give you goose bumps. They can also help you with strengthening your psychic senses, increase your intuition, make your clairvoyance and clairaudience stronger or more developed. They can also attract positive energy to everything around you, explain intuitive healing to you, show you how to remove mental blocks that you may have, and offer you divine protection. Some of the advanced ones can increase spiritual gifts, aid you in your meditation, scrying or divination, increase your mental power, create extreme knowledge and wisdom, and teach you the secrets of prayer.


Your Soul Blueprint

A map has a starting point so we will start from where you are right now. When you are asked to introduce yourself, you would normally state your name and what you do. But this doesn’t tell people who you are; it only tells them what your present occupation is. To gain insights about yourself, you need to look closely at your beliefs, values, and principles aside from your economic, professional and cultural status. Moreover, you can also reflect on your experiences to give you insights on your good and not-so-good traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. These insights can only be gained through a process of introspection. People are different—and they respond to different situations in different ways. The personality analysis given in lecture two of module one of the Home Study Course is extremely in-depth and will help you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your own temperament so that your relationship with yourself can be improved and your relationships with others can be better understood.

Your vision relates to what sort of a person you want to be. This is why it is important to know your temperament and the qualities of the temperaments so that you can have a clearer idea of who you want to be and the traits you want to change into the opposite polarity, whether they are attitudes, habits, or points of view. If you hardly know yourself, then your vision and targets for the future would also be unclear. Your destination or what you want to do should cover all the aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. If you are following a spiritual path, you probably will want to be in the field of service to humanity.

Your mission is the means by which you can reach your destination. It is your vocation in life. To some extent, your mission depends on what you know about yourself and the talents you have inherited so that you can make the wisest judgment in your choice of service. Many people during this time are wanting to work in the alternative health field or in some aspect dealing with “saving the planet.”

Your knowledge, skills, and attitude towards people and life all play a part in determining if you need a professional degree or some other qualification to help you achieve your vocation. This will determine your competence and help you in attaining your vision. Given such, there is a need for you to assess what knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have at present and what you will need to gain along the way. This assessment will give you insights on your measures of success.

If you have constantly tuned into your Higher Self and asked for guidance, you will find doorways opening for you to achieve whatever you have listed as needing. In planning out your soul blueprint or life chart, you also need to have certain landmarks and a route. These landmarks will indicate your measures of success along the way. These measures must be specific, able to be accomplished, realistic, and within a certain time frame. Thus you cannot set two major landmarks such as earning a degree in science and studying for an art degree in the same period. You need to choose which one is the highest priority for your main function in life, even though both might be appropriate for the type of work you wish to do.

Your soul blueprint was organized before you came down into incarnation. If you are successful at making contact with your Higher Self, you will usually be able to map out your soul blueprint quite successfully and fulfill your function while you are here on the earth plane.

The purpose of trying to create this blueprint is to minimize hasty and spur-of-the-moment decisions that can make you lose your way, or send you off in a totally different direction. This blueprint is already inside you, encoded into your faceted structure. So you inherently know what it is you have to do albeit on a subconscious level. Sometimes your plans may be modified along the way due to delays, and other situations beyond your control. Like in any path, you may encounter turns, detours, potholes, and speed bumps, and you must anticipate them and adjust accordingly. Delays and other situations can often be karmic, so it is no use complaining or wishing it were different. Instead, put all of your energy into making it the very best that you can. Then you will begin to live out your soul blueprint here on Earth.



Chance, Coincidence and Synchronicity

My whole life was changed by one small, unforeseen moment when I decided to visit my Mum. I thought I would try a different route on this particular day, because of a previous appointment, and as I was driving through an unfamiliar area, I caught a glimpse of a house through a tangle of bushes. It looked interesting, so I got out to have a closer look and discovered this older style house, elegant and calm in its setting, with lots of trees behind and parkland and a small stream two minutes away. Believe it or not, it was for sale, and we signed the contract that night. If I hadn’t decided to go a different way that day, we might not be living here now. But opportunity knocked, and I welcomed it with open arms!

I hear life stories from many people and sometimes one will stand out for some reason or other. I was speaking with a friend the other day who likewise, saw an opportunity to dance just by chance many years ago and grasped it with both hands. She, like so many widows, was finding it hard to fill her time with something worthwhile other than minding the grandchildren or sewing for the family.

This woman, in her sixties at the time, saw an advertisement for a tap dancing class. While her family was not in favour of her attending the class, nevertheless she went along—and had a ball. She has since danced at many festivals and won many prizes and now has added ballroom dancing to her repertoire. And incidentally, has regained the figure of a thirty year old, now at over eighty.

The upshot is that she is now out dancing three, sometimes four, times a week. She gets a marvellous reception from the audiences and her family and friends are proud of her late achievements. Now she invites her new friends over for coffee and even does dressmaking for the dancing group. Her life is full once again, and she no longer feels useless.

“I don’t know where I’d be now if it hadn’t been for seeing that advertisement by chance,” she says. “It got me on the move, where otherwise I might have been sitting on my own, just reading and getting more miserable each day. I do think it’s a gift from God to be able to dance at my age.”

At her age? Well this dancer who is so full of the joys of life, who likes to look her best and entertain her friends and hasn’t stopped learning, is eighty three years old.

Which goes to show that you can never know when some wonderful chance will come your way and that it is never too late for it to happen. Life is full of opportunities and synchronicities just waiting for you to activate them but you cannot expect some surprise to come and find you, while you sit around feeling bored and frustrated. You must make some effort of your own, find some interest that breaks the old routine or go to a place where you will meet different people.

You cannot make something wonderful happen overnight, but you may find that some little thing will start a chain reaction, which in the words of that dear older lady gets you “on the move.”

However much your life may seem to stretch ahead monotonously, the one certain thing is that there is no certainty. The only thing that is permanent in this universe is change. There is always change; always an opportunity that knocks; always twists and turns, some potholes, some speed bumps, but there are so many unexpected little happenings, that together can change your life. Lady Luck or should I say, Sister Synchronicity, may be closer than you think but you have to be prepared to meet her half way.


What Happens After Death?

When someone passes through the veil, it leaves people on the earth plane miserable and unhappy; why is this so? Chiefly because it separates us from those we love. The only other reason why death brings grief or fear is because we do not understand it and comprehend the part it plays in human evolution. But the moment our ignorance gives way to comprehension such fear vanishes and a more peaceful attitude of acceptance takes its place. Humanity has now come to the point where it must break the “thought barrier’ if it is to continue to an enlightened age of peace and true brotherhood.

Why do we have enemies from whose words or acts we suffer? Because in our limited physical consciousness we do not perceive the unity of all life and realize that our wrong thinking and doing are like boomerangs that return to us bringing the results back for us to experience. The only way most people learn is through interaction with others, and sometimes through painful interaction, because that is the only way the information can get through.

On a personal level, others will mirror back to you exactly what you have sent out and will continue to do so until you cease to think negatively. This will continue for you until the time when the causes you have already generated are fully exhausted. When spiritual illumination comes, and you no longer stumble in the night of ignorance, the last enemy will disappear, and you will no longer be required to incarnate upon the earth plane.

We can be free of all such games or blame when we are released from the confines of the physical body during sleep. Many wake up to find themselves out of body and in a different sphere or realm where there is only peace and harmony. Mostly this is forgotten by morning, and the person goes on to face another day, but having an unconscious knowing that there is something better somewhere.

It is our ignorance that makes poverty and disease able to manifest in our lives because we do not comprehend their meaning or their lessons, nor do we know the correct attitude to assume toward them. If we did, there would not be any poverty or disease on our planet, and we know that this is not the case. Yes, a minority of people are certainly learning the lesson in how to bring about the balance so that they can live a relatively easy life without having to experience this manifestation. But for the majority, the wisdom to understand why illness or poverty seems to strike is just not there.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons, they teach they will be no longer necessary and disappear because by then we will have understood why they were essential factors in our evolution. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men become wise and great. It is by tapping into the soul from within until it illuminates the brain centres with a downpouring of that flood of light called brilliance.

When we have reached that point in our evolution, then we will turn from our interest in mastering matter to the instinctive knowledge of a spiritual universe composed of myriad realms, planes and sub-planes and perhaps when a loved one passes through the veil, we may even be permitted to go with them a certain distance.

Each soul that moves out of the shadows and into the light, out of ignorance into knowledge and out of superstition into truth is helping to dissipate the fog of darkness into which humanity has fallen. The darkness is greatest just before the dawn, but the more people invoke the light, the quicker the energies of the new age will be ushered in.


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