
Your Soul Blueprint

A map has a starting point so we will start from where you are right now. When you are asked to introduce yourself, you would normally state your name and what you do. But this doesn’t tell people who you are; it only tells them what your present occupation is. To gain insights about yourself, you need to look closely at your beliefs, values, and principles aside from your economic, professional and cultural status. Moreover, you can also reflect on your experiences to give you insights on your good and not-so-good traits, skills, knowledge, strengths, and weaknesses. These insights can only be gained through a process of introspection. People are different—and they respond to different situations in different ways. The personality analysis given in lecture two of module one of the Home Study Course is extremely in-depth and will help you to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your own temperament so that your relationship with yourself can be improved and your relationships with others can be better understood.

Your vision relates to what sort of a person you want to be. This is why it is important to know your temperament and the qualities of the temperaments so that you can have a clearer idea of who you want to be and the traits you want to change into the opposite polarity, whether they are attitudes, habits, or points of view. If you hardly know yourself, then your vision and targets for the future would also be unclear. Your destination or what you want to do should cover all the aspects of your being: the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. If you are following a spiritual path, you probably will want to be in the field of service to humanity.

Your mission is the means by which you can reach your destination. It is your vocation in life. To some extent, your mission depends on what you know about yourself and the talents you have inherited so that you can make the wisest judgment in your choice of service. Many people during this time are wanting to work in the alternative health field or in some aspect dealing with “saving the planet.”

Your knowledge, skills, and attitude towards people and life all play a part in determining if you need a professional degree or some other qualification to help you achieve your vocation. This will determine your competence and help you in attaining your vision. Given such, there is a need for you to assess what knowledge, skills, and attitudes you have at present and what you will need to gain along the way. This assessment will give you insights on your measures of success.

If you have constantly tuned into your Higher Self and asked for guidance, you will find doorways opening for you to achieve whatever you have listed as needing. In planning out your soul blueprint or life chart, you also need to have certain landmarks and a route. These landmarks will indicate your measures of success along the way. These measures must be specific, able to be accomplished, realistic, and within a certain time frame. Thus you cannot set two major landmarks such as earning a degree in science and studying for an art degree in the same period. You need to choose which one is the highest priority for your main function in life, even though both might be appropriate for the type of work you wish to do.

Your soul blueprint was organized before you came down into incarnation. If you are successful at making contact with your Higher Self, you will usually be able to map out your soul blueprint quite successfully and fulfill your function while you are here on the earth plane.

The purpose of trying to create this blueprint is to minimize hasty and spur-of-the-moment decisions that can make you lose your way, or send you off in a totally different direction. This blueprint is already inside you, encoded into your faceted structure. So you inherently know what it is you have to do albeit on a subconscious level. Sometimes your plans may be modified along the way due to delays, and other situations beyond your control. Like in any path, you may encounter turns, detours, potholes, and speed bumps, and you must anticipate them and adjust accordingly. Delays and other situations can often be karmic, so it is no use complaining or wishing it were different. Instead, put all of your energy into making it the very best that you can. Then you will begin to live out your soul blueprint here on Earth.



Chance, Coincidence and Synchronicity

My whole life was changed by one small, unforeseen moment when I decided to visit my Mum. I thought I would try a different route on this particular day, because of a previous appointment, and as I was driving through an unfamiliar area, I caught a glimpse of a house through a tangle of bushes. It looked interesting, so I got out to have a closer look and discovered this older style house, elegant and calm in its setting, with lots of trees behind and parkland and a small stream two minutes away. Believe it or not, it was for sale, and we signed the contract that night. If I hadn’t decided to go a different way that day, we might not be living here now. But opportunity knocked, and I welcomed it with open arms!

I hear life stories from many people and sometimes one will stand out for some reason or other. I was speaking with a friend the other day who likewise, saw an opportunity to dance just by chance many years ago and grasped it with both hands. She, like so many widows, was finding it hard to fill her time with something worthwhile other than minding the grandchildren or sewing for the family.

This woman, in her sixties at the time, saw an advertisement for a tap dancing class. While her family was not in favour of her attending the class, nevertheless she went along—and had a ball. She has since danced at many festivals and won many prizes and now has added ballroom dancing to her repertoire. And incidentally, has regained the figure of a thirty year old, now at over eighty.

The upshot is that she is now out dancing three, sometimes four, times a week. She gets a marvellous reception from the audiences and her family and friends are proud of her late achievements. Now she invites her new friends over for coffee and even does dressmaking for the dancing group. Her life is full once again, and she no longer feels useless.

“I don’t know where I’d be now if it hadn’t been for seeing that advertisement by chance,” she says. “It got me on the move, where otherwise I might have been sitting on my own, just reading and getting more miserable each day. I do think it’s a gift from God to be able to dance at my age.”

At her age? Well this dancer who is so full of the joys of life, who likes to look her best and entertain her friends and hasn’t stopped learning, is eighty three years old.

Which goes to show that you can never know when some wonderful chance will come your way and that it is never too late for it to happen. Life is full of opportunities and synchronicities just waiting for you to activate them but you cannot expect some surprise to come and find you, while you sit around feeling bored and frustrated. You must make some effort of your own, find some interest that breaks the old routine or go to a place where you will meet different people.

You cannot make something wonderful happen overnight, but you may find that some little thing will start a chain reaction, which in the words of that dear older lady gets you “on the move.”

However much your life may seem to stretch ahead monotonously, the one certain thing is that there is no certainty. The only thing that is permanent in this universe is change. There is always change; always an opportunity that knocks; always twists and turns, some potholes, some speed bumps, but there are so many unexpected little happenings, that together can change your life. Lady Luck or should I say, Sister Synchronicity, may be closer than you think but you have to be prepared to meet her half way.


What Happens After Death?

When someone passes through the veil, it leaves people on the earth plane miserable and unhappy; why is this so? Chiefly because it separates us from those we love. The only other reason why death brings grief or fear is because we do not understand it and comprehend the part it plays in human evolution. But the moment our ignorance gives way to comprehension such fear vanishes and a more peaceful attitude of acceptance takes its place. Humanity has now come to the point where it must break the “thought barrier’ if it is to continue to an enlightened age of peace and true brotherhood.

Why do we have enemies from whose words or acts we suffer? Because in our limited physical consciousness we do not perceive the unity of all life and realize that our wrong thinking and doing are like boomerangs that return to us bringing the results back for us to experience. The only way most people learn is through interaction with others, and sometimes through painful interaction, because that is the only way the information can get through.

On a personal level, others will mirror back to you exactly what you have sent out and will continue to do so until you cease to think negatively. This will continue for you until the time when the causes you have already generated are fully exhausted. When spiritual illumination comes, and you no longer stumble in the night of ignorance, the last enemy will disappear, and you will no longer be required to incarnate upon the earth plane.

We can be free of all such games or blame when we are released from the confines of the physical body during sleep. Many wake up to find themselves out of body and in a different sphere or realm where there is only peace and harmony. Mostly this is forgotten by morning, and the person goes on to face another day, but having an unconscious knowing that there is something better somewhere.

It is our ignorance that makes poverty and disease able to manifest in our lives because we do not comprehend their meaning or their lessons, nor do we know the correct attitude to assume toward them. If we did, there would not be any poverty or disease on our planet, and we know that this is not the case. Yes, a minority of people are certainly learning the lesson in how to bring about the balance so that they can live a relatively easy life without having to experience this manifestation. But for the majority, the wisdom to understand why illness or poverty seems to strike is just not there.

And so it is with all forms of suffering we experience. They are at once reactions from our ignorant blunderings and instructors that point out the better way. When we have comprehended the lessons, they teach they will be no longer necessary and disappear because by then we will have understood why they were essential factors in our evolution. It is not by the outward acquirement of facts that men become wise and great. It is by tapping into the soul from within until it illuminates the brain centres with a downpouring of that flood of light called brilliance.

When we have reached that point in our evolution, then we will turn from our interest in mastering matter to the instinctive knowledge of a spiritual universe composed of myriad realms, planes and sub-planes and perhaps when a loved one passes through the veil, we may even be permitted to go with them a certain distance.

Each soul that moves out of the shadows and into the light, out of ignorance into knowledge and out of superstition into truth is helping to dissipate the fog of darkness into which humanity has fallen. The darkness is greatest just before the dawn, but the more people invoke the light, the quicker the energies of the new age will be ushered in.


The Spawning of the Solar System

Solar System

We wish to explain the overall pattern of that which is this Planetary Logos. Now, in beginning, we do not need to recapitulate the principle of solar cycling, but in that cycling, you will understand that there is still, shall we say, a pushing forward of projections in obedience to that which was commanded. We are going to approach this quite gently and show you the cycling that occurred, which is a universal principle, also the projections forward. This is going to occupy many talks because we do not intend to embody anything so profound and far reaching in one talk, but we will give the clue to it in this talk.

We have, as you have been taught, the command energies from the solar Logos into its initial projection. Understand that surrounding that solar Logos are energy rings and the projection went forward. This is the only word that we can use—the projection went forward, gently, quite gently, through the various rings. We cannot describe that which surrounds the Solar One as rings—they are not; they are a degreed interplaying of the forces, of the duality, and the initial projection, the only projection, went forward from that Solar One. A force was projected ultimately, and the required primal matter gathered. A nucleus formed, it was embodied with, empowered by, that Solar One to do that which was required.

Now, we tell you that initially there was one planet only; one planet only that orbited the sun. That one planet over a long period was corrected in orbit, and all was well, the command channelled through; through the Solar One, and through its Child to proliferate. This it has done.

That one planet gave birth—on the left hand and the right hand. In other words, it spawned from its dualled intensities. This does not mean to say that that which was spawned on the left hand is coloured black, and that spawned on the right is coloured white.

This does not mean that at all. Its dualled intensities mean that there are functions which are required of certain energy spectra, and we go back right now to the bases, and we say that in the primal energies there is still a requirement channelling through from that unknowable Source. So, be it spawned on the left hand, be it spawned on the right hand, the spawnings still contain their required dualities, and yet, not in balance.

We are not required to tell you that which is preponderant, nor the reason for it. That which we are required to pass through is that that one focus spawned on the right hand, and spawned on the left. You then have had and have a solar system.

Again, this forcing through of projections obtains; there is no ability on the part of anything to exist unless there is the requirement there. You may regard the planets as direct projections from the Child that was spawned directly from the Solar One. We may at some future time be asked about planetary size; we may be queried as to Mars being less than another is—this is not important. We are concerned only with energy intensity; spatial size is to be utterly disregarded.

So we see this planet Earth as a projection from the projection from the Solar One, and we see a requirement, a command energy channelling through and we see that command saying ‘go forth and proliferate.’ We will cover this in detail in later talks.

The spawning of the solar body was from the initial spawning—this is the point that we wish to make, that there was one focus of energy projected from that which is the Solar One, and that projection spawned, as we said, on the right and the left.

Now, the functionings on the right are differential from the functionings on the left. Each projection from the Solar One, through its own projection, has its own particular function to proliferate. This proliferation has nothing to do with any other proliferation. You may land on the planet Neptune, and see nothing, feel nothing, experience nothing. This does not mean to say that there is not life or a form of existence on the planet Neptune. It simply means that you are unable to communicate with that life form.

Each of the organs of the body that is solar has its own function, has its own concomitant ‘in being.’ You would not, surely, attempt to relate the functioning of one to another. If you were able to walk into a liver you would not relate the functioning of that liver to the functioning of, shall we say, the prostate gland. If you were able, again, to walk into the prostate gland, you would not see anything like the functioning that is in the liver. Nor would you on any one of the planets that are part of the solar body or the solar organs, see a similarity of functioning, but, of course, each organ is functioning.

We do not wish to carry this talk further at this point: we wish only to drive home the point that there is a form of existence that springs from primal energy extant on each one of the planets that are part of the solar body. In no way are these forms of existence similar, nor would you expect them to be, but there is, and there are forms of existence, each fulfilling and channelling back it’s functioning into that which originally spawned it.

Channellings from the Sirian Command.


Enchanted and Magical Wands

Wands have been used in many cultures throughout history. Probably the most famous of all are the Celtic wands in the time of Merlin. Wands and other vibrational tools were also used extensively in Lemurian, and Atlantean cultures and much information has come down to modern times regarding these implements. We also have many of the cultures of Africa, Asia, and Europe using these implements for healing or other uses. We still see this legacy today in positions of authority showing staffs, crooks, and sceptres wielded by church leaders and heads of state.

Wands are also used prolifically throughout the Tarot decks, and this has kindled an interest in all forms of energy work, magic, healing modalities, Wicca, and shamanism. Most metaphysical practitioners like to create their own wands or ask a practitioner to make one for their personal use rather than purchase wands that have been commercially made.

Wands can be made out of anything—wood or metal or other substances. Leather can be used in some wand designs to insulate the energy field of the practitioner from the wand, but this is not necessary if the practitioner knows how to use the wand. Shamanic wands can utilize leather and fur.

Many traditional wands were and still are made from wood. The wand can then be fashioned or carved into an appropriate form and augmented with the addition of crystals, or other items significant to you.

Wooden wands are by their very nature ideal for practitioners of shamanism, earth magic, Druidism, Wicca, and so on. Generally speaking wooden wands have a very subtle, flowing natural feel to their energy. The wand was always a part of the Druidic and Shamanic tool kits; it was used to work with the element of air, which is associated with the mental body and the intellect, hence its use as a focus for one’s intent. But wands can be used with any element. It depends on the use of the wand and the intention of the practitioner.

There are also the popular metal-based wands, and these are highly conductive and do focus the energy intensely when an experienced practitioner uses one for a specific purpose. Most designs include the use of additional wires or other material and some are encrusted with crystals and pearls.

Metal wands are easy to make as copper, brass or stainless steels are easily obtained. The pipe is then cut to length, and the appropriate crystals inserted in the body of the wand. Once the ends are sealed with other large crystals, the wand is ready for use. Other decorations can include smaller crystals and pearls around the larger crystals at either end. Some wands use fluorite octahedrons on one end with a large, single terminator at the other end. It all depends on the primary use.

Some wands are fashioned entirely from pure crystal. I use polished crystal wands or the large natural variety, both for removing negative energy or putting energy into a depleted area. All crystals will blend their vibrations with that of the wand in order to bring about positive change.

One of my favourite wands has a large sphere at one end, which collects the energy I want to use so that I can channel it out the other end of the terminator. Other wands can be used like a sceptre, where the energy radiates out spherically to either cleanse or irradiate a working area.

Wands are held in the power hand, which is usually the right hand. This is the projecting hand of the practitioner and helps to project the energy outside the body to the receiver of the energy, or to some other object.

Most practitioners of metaphysics use wands for healing, magical practices, to draw sacred symbols, to give or receive energy, or for some other sacred purpose. Normally to pull out energy, the wand is directed to the area to be cleansed, and turned in and anti-clockwise fashion. To replace the energy with a higher frequency, the wand is turned clockwise.

If you are working with angelic or Master energy, they will often assist in transmuting the negative energy. I normally open a session and call them in at the beginning, so I am open to guidance throughout the whole session. I always use St. Germain and his Violet Flame for transmuting the energy. If you tune into him, he will give you specific ways of using the Violet Flame.

After the wand has been used, you can cleanse it using a smudge stick, or by using your own holy breath by blowing down the wand to remove any negativity.

In addition to healing, cleansing and irradiating, wands may be used as an aid to meditation by holding the wand in position while in the meditative state. Your angels or Masters will give guidance on this technique as the wand is held in a very specific manner to achieve the awakening of certain areas in the body.

Another thing that wands can be used for is dowsing; however, as this is very difficult to explain, (easy to implement, once you have the knack), I will leave you to draw your own conclusions.

We must remember an important lesson of Kabbalah, and the Tree of Life, or the universe, each of us relates to as in a closed circuit of energy. There is no way to get rid of anything. Nothing ever goes away. Energy can be transformed or transmuted but it does not disappear. This is a point to remember when utilizing a wand for healing.

NB. The picture at the top of the post is a wand after enchantment. A single terminator with a sphere on the other end. 

The picture below shows wands before enchantment.



Beyond Space and Time

Many people have wondered about the possibility of projecting the psychic body to other worlds or planets.  Some have wondered about the possibility of projecting to the other side of our universe. Would this be beyond Space and Time? Are there other life forms that exist there? If so have they communicated with beings on our planet? Are there recorded instances of this occurring?

Before considering the matter, let us first review the vastness of outer space. When we look up into the night sky, we see evidence of myriad stellar systems, but the precise limits, if any, are not known by human kind. The distance of celestial objects such as stars, planets, and nebulae is determined by using light as measuring rod. We are aware that the speed of light is approximately186,000 miles per second, and we know of nothing that transcends it. One light year is the distance that a ray of light travels in one year. This is slightly more than six million, million miles!

We are unable to comprehend such vastness. Yet, astronomy has estimated that there are an infinite number of universes. According to science, our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has a diameter of about 100,000 light years, and it takes our Sun 225 million years to make one revolution around the nucleus of our galaxy. This is an almost unbelievable period.

However, visible light is not the only energy of the electromagnetic spectrum that reaches the Earth, as radio telescopes demonstrate. Thought is an energy generated by the human mind. That thought possibly could project itself beyond the human mind, or to the human mind was long considered to be a fantasy of the mystics. Others, who were not so interested in metaphysics, and having no means of perceiving thought waves, as they were called, rejected the whole subject as imagination.

Only in relatively recent years has science conducted experiments with telepathy or thought transmission in the realm of parapsychology, and agreed to further experiments because of the positive results. But many rejected the idea and were inclined to discredit the statistics offered as proof of telepathy. However, since then, thought has been classified according to the type of waves it produced when electrodes and special recorders were attached to a subject.

Many individuals have reported receiving others’ thoughts, even at great distances. It seems that distance is no barrier to the subtle nature of thought. The known energy of the brain gives no evidence of having the potential to transmit over the distances that have been reported for thought. If, however, thought is capable of traveling at the speed of light, the swiftest known to man, then at least it can also be theorized as capable of reaching far into the vast depth of our galaxy—-and [perhaps even beyond.

If transmission and reception of thought is simultaneous everywhere, as earthly experiments seem to suggest, then thought would have to transcend the rate of speed of any energy known to man. As yet, there is no proof of this—only unsubstantiated claims. One could theorize about some superior intelligences existing in other worlds that have the mastery of a phenomenon far exceeding man’s, and that these intelligences could use an energy to communicate thought waves without the limitations of space or time. If they possess such knowledge, then we could further presume that they would also be aware of the limits of human perception. Consequently, these stellar intelligences would need to find a means of making the human mind conscious of the energy at its disposal and its symbolism. Otherwise, there would be no general communication between them and humankind.

Such communication has been publicly recognized since the 1960s when a wealth of knowledge started to pour into the minds of certain individuals, bringing information through to those who were interested.

This article is based on the recognition that there is a phenomenon called channelling. It is universally operative and all existence is a product of it in one way or another. It has a psychic as well as many other applications throughout humanity.

Pursuing this theme a little further, it must be said that the abilities expressed through a channel are not abilities of the personality. They are abilities emergent out of the subtle energy life of this planet. They pre-exist the life of each person and endure beyond, as history testifies. The genuine channel has the humility for this acknowledgement.

While we have built a picture of channelling relating more to humanity on this planet, we have left unanswered those causes of channeling which claim some source from beyond. Inevitably, this involves us with the meaning of extraterrestrialism. One such star system is of particular interest to us.We point to the great age of the white dwarf, Sirius B. As an ancient star much knowledge would have been gathered throughout its long existence and then transmuted into that which we call wisdom. This wisdom via streams of solar energy is then channelled to the Sun and the planets.

We are well aware that one brief human life is an insufficient time span for gaining the quality of wisdom needed to fulfill the purpose for human existence. From the time primitive man was projected onto the planet, to the more advanced form of humanity at the present time, the foci that we recognize as Higher Soul Selves have evolved in their ability to project a more complex and more refined form. This evolvement occurs only in the Higher Soul Self through the process of nucleification. The rate of advancement in this process is different right across the stratum of energy from where souls are projected, and this is why we see wide differences amongst the people on the planet.

The evolvement of human consciousness is the result of this long continuity of function by the Higher Soul Selves operating through the spirit and soul of man. In this deeper continuous evolvement lies an explanation of the process elsewhere called reincarnation and is a soul activity, not an activity by the person. The Higher Soul Self projects into certain circumstances for its own evolvement. Such are the matters explained in the meditative program of Pathways to Self Mastery.

Few Higher Soul Selves have reached the higher stage evolvement, and of the examples that there are, Christ and Buddha are the more well-known. There are, however, also many other Masters in the hierarchy of this planet whose function lies behind the veils of obscurity; they work largely unseen and mostly unrecognized.

They oversee humanity from afar, and in turn, they are overseen by those Great Ones who ensoul planets and stars, the Planetary Logos, the Logos of our Sun, and in turn the Logos of Sirius. Mankind is never left alone; no man is an island unto himself and never can be, it is only the veils of illusion that cloud our vision of the deeper truths.

We are the result of a Universal Command that has channelled through the stars above to manifest, in turn, on planet Earth. We are permeated by the subtle energies of the Source. Let us be reminded once again by the scriptural verse, “In Him we live and move and have our being.”

This is why we reach for that distant star—the closeness is not there physically—but it is there in energy; we cannot be separated from it. That which is released from a source and projected out into its own sphere beyond space and time is eternally linked with that source; it is part of the person and the person, in turn, is part of it and must, in time, come to recognize that truth. We know it as a Source in Sirius; that Source, which has imparted the deepest knowledge for those who seek its wisdom.



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